Thank you very much for your inquiry and interest into possibly collaborating in the near future. Below is a little window into some of my completed and in-progress projects. The intent is that it gives you a bit more insight into my style and flexibility as graphic designer. If there is anything you would like to see or talk about in person, I love to chat. Don’t hesitate to reach out for an phone call, zoom meeting or safley distanced coffee.
My name is Jordyn Taylor-Robins and I am a Vancouver-based freelance communication designer, obsessed with nice people with smart ideas. Holistic creative thinking and synthesizing ideas into tangible design solutions is my sweet-spot. Multi-medium social engagement projects means that I am focussed on considering all outputs and outcomes and have a watchful eye over design consistency and emerging possibilities. My interest in public interventions and social activations utilizes my design thinking and art direction skills in its fullest potential. Being a small studio myself, my love of design really is a love for people with smart and thoughtful ideas, aimed to make the world a more interesting, playful, inclusive, diverse and all around better place. I am always keen learn and take on new techniques and skills across all design mediums and work like a dog to give each client project the attention innovation it deserves.
I am, for the most part, a one woman show. However I have an arsenal of creatives in my back pocket, whom I love to work with. Collaboration is my favourite aspect of my business. It’s the soul of this operation. Not just collaboration with others, but collaborations with my clients. True collaboration means a blending of expertise, a blending of backgrounds and a blending of creative ideas. This is design at it’s core. Without collaboration, in my opinion, I would be creating art. This being said, if there is something creative you would like to tackle that is not on my list of services, it doesn’t mean it can’t be done. These are actually the concepts that make me the most excited to do what I do for people such as you.
︎︎︎Set Design
︎︎︎Web Design
︎︎︎Graphic Design
︎︎︎Publication Design
︎︎︎Creative Direction
︎Communication Designer for Cause + Affect (2019-Present)
︎Freelance Communication Designer (2018–Present)
︎Jr. Designer at Educe Design & Innovation (2017)
︎BDES Emily Carr University of Art & Design
+ Zürcher Hochschule der Künste | ZHdK in Zurich (2014–2018)
In-progress design snippets from Meraki Design Haus’s brand identity. Everything from an extremely versatile logo set to voice and imagery. Stay tuned for the finished product coming early 2021. Meraki Design Haus is - a holistic interior design studio based out of New west Minister. With a focus on balance and wellness.
︎︎︎brand identity package
︎︎︎custom (squarespace) website
︎︎︎printed & web brand collatoral

L’atelier-b is a spacial and interior design inspired by the ease and grace of french architecture.
︎︎︎Small brand identity package
︎︎︎Custom squarespace website (coming soon)
︎︎︎Business cards

Thesis project for Emily Carr University of Art & Design (BDES). Reflexive forms is a set of objects aimed to invite the public into a dialog about anxiety and it’s personal
︎Art Direction
︎Product & Industrial Design
︎Exhibition Design
︎Publication Design
︎Design Research
︎Styling & Photography
︎Product & Industrial Design
︎Exhibition Design
︎Publication Design
︎Design Research
︎Styling & Photography




“In Our Hearts” is a Community Response Fund by Vancouver Foundation that deploys essential relief to charities in BC that provide health and social services and arts, culture, and community benefits that have been impacted by COVID-19 and its economic consequences.